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Vaccines Are Essential

Northeast Pediatric Associates is committed to the continued delivery of newborn and well child care which includes vaccinations.  The COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly evolving which has led us to develop new strategies in order to provide a safe encounter for patients and their families.  Although the CDC has recommended postponing or cancelling non-urgent elective procedures, the CDC has urged healthcare providers to prioritize newborn care and vaccination of infants and young children.   Our practice has taken the step of scheduling well visits in the morning with sick visits in the afternoon.  Masking is mandatory for our staff.  The front office receptionist is tasked with doing a COVID-19 screening prior to making an appointment.  The health and welfare of the families we serve is a priority for our practice. 
You may have heard some erroneous reports from non-medical sources which suggest that vaccines decrease a child’s immunity making them vulnerable to COVID-19.  This has no basis in fact and puts children at risk by interrupting their vaccine schedule.  Listen to your medical professional when it concerns the health of your child. 
In summary, relatively few children with COVID-19 are hospitalized.  Worldwide reports put infants under one year of age and children with underlying conditions as most vulnerable to a more protracted illness.  The incubation period is 14 days as in adults.  Children can present with mild fever, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, sore throat and/or rash.  Monitor your child for progression of illness.  If concerned, call the office to speak with a health care provider by Telemedicine or with your pediatrician for consultation. 
Staying up to date with vaccines is essential.  Make your well child appointment today.

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