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Things Every New Parent Should Expect the First Few Days

Things Every New Parent Should Expect the First Few Days

The thrill of knowing your baby is about to enter the world is exciting. Though having a newborn can be something to which you look forward, you can be much better prepared when you know what to expect.

Our team at Northeast Pediatric Associates PA has the expertise to help you start your life with your new baby. We have years of experience helping parents know how to navigate newborn care.

After you birth your baby

If you deliver your baby vaginally, immediately after giving birth, you can expect your provider to put your baby directly on your bare chest or your stomach area for skin-to-skin contact. This has been known to:

If you have a Cesarean birth, you should be able to experience the same, however, it may be a bit delayed. 

If you plan to breastfeed, you begin the process as soon as possible. Lactation consultants are on standby, ready to assist.

After your baby has a successful routine health check, you and your newborn are released from the hospital.

Your first days at home with your baby

Now that you’re home, here are the things you can expect:


If you had a vaginal birth, your baby’s head may appear cone-shaped, but it becomes rounder over the next few days, so don’t worry. Your baby might also have facial swelling or bruising if forceps were used. Again, these things go away usually within a week. 

You may also notice the yellowing of their skin, which is a condition called jaundice. Though it’s rarely serious, give us a call for further instructions.

Your newborn will also have what’s left of their umbilical cord. This eventually dries up and falls off, but until then, try to keep it clean and dry.

Feeding and sleeping

Your baby will sleep most of the time, but they wake up every few hours to eat because of their small tummy. Newborns usually have 8-12 feedings every 24 hours.


When your baby cries, it’s usually because they:

A newborn typically stops crying once they’ve been fed, changed, and held.


Communication with your little one can begin from the moment they’re born. Now that you’re home, nurture your child with gentle touches, sweet words, songs, cuddling, smiling, and looking into their eyes. These powerful, bonding moments create a special closeness between the two of you.

If you experience any surprise moments for which you need reassurance, we’re only a phone call away. We can advise you on any of your concerns or questions.

What’s next?

We recommend that you bring your baby in for their first newborn checkup between three to five days after birth. After that, you can plan on returning with your child in two weeks and then when they are two months old.

If you’re about to be a new parent or just had a baby, we’re here to guide you and provide excellent health care for your little one. Just call our team in San Antonio, North Central San Antonio, Schertz, or Castroville, Texas, or book your visit online. For convenience, we also offer telehealth appointments.

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